Welcome to SCP Infinity!


1.Respectful behavior is expected at all times. Do not engage in excessive trash talk or discriminatory behavior.

2.Teaming is allowed, as long as it does not hold rounds up.

3.Do not kill cuffed D-class/scientists, unless they are uncooperative.

4.Using exploits or cheats will result in an immediate ban.

5.Do not camp in certain areas for extended periods, such as the nuke room or spawn points.

6.Mic spamming is not directly against the rules, but if a staff member tells you to stop you must listen.

7. Team griefing such as closing doors on teammates or trapping them is not allowed.

8. SCPs may not commit suicide.

9.Our staff has the right to carry out punishments for rules not on this list, and they have the final say. If you feel that they were abusing their powers, please reach out to us on our Discord server.

Server Features:

1. No Item/Ammo Limits (Gets rid of inventory limits)

2. Remote Keycard (Use keycards without taking them out)

3. Spectator List (Adds a list of who's spectating you on the UI)

4. AdminTools (Adds more abilities for moderators)

5. Adjusted Stamina System (Humans can sprint for slightly longer)

6. Custom Escapes (D-class can escape through the door near chaos spawn and guards can escape to become MTF Captains)

6. SCP 1162 (Throw items on the walls of 173's room for a chance to get other items)

7. SCPUtils (adds a bunch of small quality of life changes, too much to say)


Discord: https://discord.gg/pTkpucH2P7

Patreon: patreon.com/SCPInfinityServer