
[1] In order to maintain fairness in the game, please do not provide information outside the game that could give an unfair advantage.
[2] Our community promotes a safe and respectful environment, where harassment, racism, sexism, and any form of toxic behavior are strictly prohibited. Please be mindful of the language you use when communicating with other players or our team members.
[3] Please refrain from using exploits for personal gain. Respect the rules and balance of the game to ensure an enjoyable experience for all players.
[4] Intentional camping, which involves prolonged stay in a specific location to delay the progress of the round, will be penalized according to the rules. We encourage you to actively participate and engage in constructive gameplay.
[5] To maintain consistency within our community, please refrain from advertising without obtaining prior permission from our manager. However, you are welcome to include links to your Twitch or YouTube accounts in your username.
[6] Any form of hacking or cheating will be taken seriously and will result in a permanent ban. Please respect the integrity of the game and refrain from seeking unfair advantages through unauthorized means.
[7] We are open to the moderate use of the microphone feature in the game, but please avoid excessive or abusive spam. Be aware of the impact you have on other players' experience and avoid spamming in spectator chat, SCP chat, radio chat, and intercom. The use of a voice changer is strictly prohibited to prevent confusion or disruption of in-game communication.
[8] If you have a username with offensive or derogatory connotations, you will receive a warning or temporary removal from the game. Please be respectful and choose an appropriate name to maintain a pleasant atmosphere for everyone.
[9] To ensure game balance and avoid prolonged delays, teaming is only permitted between Chaos Insurgency and SCPs. Please adhere to this rule and refrain from forming alliances or cooperating unnecessarily with other factions or groups within the game.

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Contact Owner: [email protected]
Discord: Click Here!