
[EU] Death Bed SCP

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/hFZxq9xDFN


Hosted in Germany.
Friendly fire is enabled.
All SCPs can talk to humans.
Spawn protection for all classes.
AFK Kick.

The Rules:
Team killing is allowed, to an extent.
Do not prolong the round on purpose.
Micspam is allowed only in proximity chat.
Do not kill disarmed players unless they disobey orders, or their original faction spawns.
Modified clients and glitch exploiting is prohibited. Usage of these will result in an instant ban from the server, and possible permanent.
Do not use admins or mods as a advantage in game.
Facility Guards, Mobile Task Force and Scientists are not allowed to team with SCPS. Chaos and D-Class are allowed to team with SCPs after the first respawn wave.