1: Don't be racist. Self explanatory.

2: Don't say slurs. Self explanatory.

3: Treat others as equals, *because they are equals.*

4: Don't do ERP.

5: Instigating someone to break the rules, will result in you receiving the same punishment as said rulebreaker, depending on severity.

6: Using an alt or whatever to evade punishment will result in an extension of punishment, or even permanent ban, depending on what the original punishment was.

7: Just in general treat people as humans, as respect what they ask. Pronouns, and what have you. Let people be people-

8: You can't just become a Chaos Spy mid RP, you must get explicit permission from the hoster that is running the round at the time, if they say no, then you can't.

9: Don't mic-spam in any global chat, nor are you allowed if it is in-RP. You may only if it is normal rounds, but if someone asks you to stop, do so.

10: You are not to take items from medical cabinets unless you are injured, and genuinely need said supplies. Raiding cabinets for painkillers or adrenaline is not allowed. Medical and non-foundation personnel (Class-D, Chaos) may take from the cabinets without punishment.

11: If you act stupid (trying to run from guards or scientists using elevators) expect to get shot. Don't complain to admins that you were killed, as you're probably *very* aware why you were killed. If you were given more than three chances, even if you "surrender" you may be killed. (**This rule is specifically to D-Class/hostage/prisoner personnel**)

12: This applies to people with RA Access. Do not give yourself ghostly to walk through walls, go behind Hoster's backs and do things that can/will make the RP worse, do not respawn yourself if you were killed for a valid reason, do not make yourself overpowered without the Hoster's permission, *if you ARE going to make yourself overpowered, do note put yourself in combat. If you have 3k HP, and you are fighting someone with 100HP, it's not really fair.*

13: Do not use joke names in RP. You have been given .name to help with your own creation of characters you want to play, not name yourself political figures names, or joke names in general. Try to have a semi-normal name.. Ask other people for ideas, if you can't come up with a name, or just look one up if you need.
