We're are back and cooler than ever before


Mods are listed at the bottom

1: Do not be a poopyhead
2: Racism isn't cool
3: KOS is not allowed between Scientists and D bois at the start of the round
4: You may not KOS compliant D bois or Scientists
5: Admins do a bit of silly stuff every once in a while
6: Ben's not allowed to be SCP
7: Do not ask for admin or any roles, as you will be ignored
8: Have Fun

Join the discord ig (clickable)
Clickable text

Message Dylthemack13 about any issues you have
Discord: @dylthemack13


AdminTools | Admin Shenanigans
RemoteKeycard | You don't have to hold your card out
RespawnTimer | Lets you know how long until you respawn
ScpLockdown | Keeps SCP's locked in containment for 60seconds