Pog Land
Server is located in Phoenix, Arizona (We're a US server, so English only!)
Our Links:
<align="left">Join our lovely Discord here:
<align="left">Donations are through patreon, find it here:
<align="left">Our ban appeals are done here:
1. No slurs of any kind. Fragmenting it/implying it will get you punished too.
2. Advertising other communities is not allowed.
3. Personal attacks and toxic behavior is not allowed.
4. ALL MTF (Including Facility Guards) Can NOT KOS Class-D in Light Containment Zone. They may only be killed in LCZ if they are non-compliant, armed, using SCP Items, or leading hostiles to the MTF/Guard that is near them.
5. KOS'ing of ANY detained civilian class (Class-D or Scientist) as a MTF/Guard & Chaos Insurgent is strictly prohibited unless they are refusing orders.
6. Excessive team griefing is not allowed.
7. Teaming between anyone is allowed, except if it stalls the round or gets your teammates killed.
8. Suicide as an SCP is strictly prohibited. This INCLUDES SCP-049-2.
9. Stalling is against the rules. Staff are allowed to reveal locations to players.
10. Soundboards/Voice Changers are ONLY allowed in proximity chat. Loud/Obnoxious soundboards/voice changers aren't allowed at all.
11. Hacking, exploiting, cheating or glitching is not allowed.
12. Violating Northwood's
Verified Server Rules as outlined
Here will result in the appropriate punishment (Including removal/demotion of Staff Members). Violating Steam's Terms Of Service will also result in the appropriate punishment (Includes being under 13 years of age without having parent's consent to play).
Plugin List:
-Cedmod: Moderation plugin
(More coming soon!)
Contact: thymason122 (discord) or [email protected]