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Server Description Re-write Coming Soon

<color=#FB0073>1. Be Respectful to Others
a. Jokes are fine, just don't be offensive
b. Keep political talk to jokes only
c. Use common sense
2. You Must Be English Speaking
3. No Greifing
a. Examples include: Closing doors on teamates, suiciding as SCP/Zombie, etc.
b. Killing detained D-class / Scientists is frowned upon unless they are actively disobeying you
4. Don't Teamkill Without Reason
- D-Class TK is allowed - However, FFD still flags it as TK
- D-Class KOS is fine, however if they are surrendering then cuff them
- "Funnies" are typically fine as long as the person being killed was fine with it
5. Teaming is Fine When it Isn't Greifing or Delaying
a. Opposites teaming is ONLY okay when it is a temporary thing (ex. Scp & MTF or MTF and Chaos)
b. While teaming with an opposite team, you may NOT kill your actual teammates.
- An example would be a facility guard teaming with an SCP and killing a scientist. This is not allowed.
6. Soundboards Are Fine
a. No ear-rape over intercom or in spectator chat
b. If staff asks you to turn it down or to stop, then stop

7. Don't Camp or Delay
a. An example would be camping in a room when you know you are the last one alive or camping in rooms just to not die
b. 3 minute rule: if you are sitting in the same place for more than 3 minutes its considered camping / delaying
- Light Containment camping is NOT considered camping due to decontamination
8. Don't Hack, Cheat, Threaten to DDoS or Dox, etc. etc.
9. Follow the Steam EULA</color>
Ban Appeals and Player Reports
Reports can be sent by hitting "n" and submitting a report
Ban appeals can be sent in the #ban-appeals channel in Discord
SCP Stats
SCP Swap
Common Utils - Gives SCP-049 speech by pressing "V," along with other things
Respawn Timer
Wait and Chill Reborn
General Info
914 upgrades any items in your hand or dropped
914 on rough gives you a 50/50 chance of teleporting to D-class spawn or dying, and a 100% chance to teleport for SCP's