This server is meant for plugin testing and other random things, for the real deal, join the roleplay server
Staff applications are open on the discord in #apply-for-staff
1. Do not be disrespectful to Staff/Hosters.
2. Please listen to Staff members at all times.
3. Offensive slurs, homophobia and any other similar content will not be tolerated.
4. Do not mic spam unless you are in Proximity chat.
5. Breaking Roleplay is not allowed, please try to stick to it at all times if possible.
6. Asking Staff and or Hosters for items, ranks and things of that nature is not allowed.
7. Do not kill yourself if you are SCP, unless it is allowed by a Staff.
8. KOS is allowed on D-Class when a breach occurs.
9. Try to not stall the round, this includes but is not limited to, teaming with other teams, locking yourself in a room inaccessable to SCPs, etc.
10. Intentional Team sabotage is strictly forbidden.
11. Racism is not tolerated in this server.
Please join our Discord!(Clickable)