Wiggletons Facility Server Rules


UK/EU server
SCP 035
The Unusual Incidents Unit can spawn randomly and help the foundation (only have a chance to spawn after first MTF wave)
Respawn timer
SCP swap/volunteer
SCP 3113 (skeleton) only can be played when 10 players are on
Remote keycard
SCP 1162 (hole in the wall)
Pink candy now has a chance to spawn
20+ different types of minigames/events

1. Avoid using slurs or going out of your way to offend people.</color>
2. Any form of teamkilling is prohibited.</color>
3. Don't intentionally prolong the game.</color>
4. In accordance with Steam's TOS, you must be over 13 to play on this server.</color> </b> This is an English server, please speak English.</color>
6. Cheaters WILL have their left t*sticle removed and/or both depending on the severity of the cheating.</color>
7.Micspamming is not allowed.</color>
8.Cuffed Class-D may not be killed unless you were the one that cuffed them.</color>

Failure to comply with these rules may result in penalties.