The Sky's Patch

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Official Server Rules
1. Cheating and exploiting[1] are strictly prohibited.
2. Phishing, scamming, and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
3. Racism, discrimination, and other offensive content is strictly prohibited.
4. Harassment, toxicity, and baseless, out-of-game accusations against other players are strictly prohibited.
5. Staff or player impersonation is strictly prohibited.
6. Mic spamming is prohibited. Music is allowed, but must be stopped upon request.
7. Advertisements, you cannot advertise your own SCP:SL Server within our SL Community server, if you want to advertise your own SL server. to go the Official SCP:SL Discord server to advertise
8. False reporting and abuse of the in-game reporting function is prohibited.
9. Announcing moderators who have hidden tags is prohibited. Interfering with a moderator’s job is also prohibited.
10. Encouraging others to violate server rules is prohibited.
11. Team sabotage [3] as MTF/Chaos/SCPs is not allowed.
12. KOS (Kill on Sight) As a Guard, Guards cannot kill any dclass personnel in LCZ, unless they are armed and dangerous. This also includes cuff personnel if a scientist, MTF, or Chaos Insurgency is cuffed by their own detained personnel you cannot kos them on sight as it is against SL Rules
13. Camping, any area's that stall the round can involve area's of HCZ, ECZ, Surface Zone and even Nuke Silo and HCZ Amry. If you camp more than 5-6 minutes you location in the facility will be BC