There will be A LOT of bullshit in this server.

Server Features:
Event-specific Music
No Stamina
No Item Limits
Slightly Modified Win Conditions
Squeaker-Free, or your bandwidth back guaranteed

Contact me here: the_xplorer_sploder#2408
or join the server [here]

1. NO MINORS UNDER 16. Autoban for a year if you are found to be under 16
2. No being a jackass, listen to reason
3. Guards, MTF, and Chaos cannot KOS. Scientists and D-Class can KOS each other however.
4. The above rule does not apply if said Scientist or D-Class is actively hostile.
5. MICSPAM AWAY! I won't stop you. Unless you suck at it or it actively hurts people's ears.
6. Follow admin/mods orders.
7. Racism bad, don't do it.
8. SCPs cannot enter 914 for the first 2 minutes of a round.

If the server is down at any point it's probably because I needed the resources for something else, sorry mate.