Welcome to the SL experience, run by Ank55o7 and Electro
@electropunkttv on discord has a discord link in description
Throw out your freakpay, your skibidi sliders and your baby gronk twitch sub, for an experience that cannot be described in any other way.
Run by the previous owner of:
“The Gathering”
“Scp Archives”
And Ank, who has run a Terraria server at some point, for like 2 people.

-No excessive arguments, please leave these to dms. Small banter is allowed.
-No use of the N-Word or any words aimed at racism or belittling someone because of their race or age. Homophobia is also banned. This will result in a mute or ban if deemed.
-No outside discord promo
-Raids are a given ban
-All racist material like Propaganda will result in an instant ban
-No spam
-No Suggestive Content
-Do not ask for mod or admin
-Do not spam soundboards
-Do not ask for free games or roles
-Alts will result in a perma ban
-No talking about current political conflicts / debates

Email: [email protected]
(since I don’t care to update it)

Server Info Modifications:

#Administrative actions broadcast options
broadcast_kicks: true
broadcast_kick_text: %nick% has been asked to leave after using "freakpay".
broadcast_kick_duration: 5
broadcast_bans: true
broadcast_ban_text: %nick% has gotten the BAN HAMMER.
broadcast_ban_duration: 5

#Security & Anticheat (default settings are good enough in most cases)
#Please type !private in your server console, if your server is verified, but you want to keep it hidden from the list. Type !public to make it public again.
online_mode: true
authentication_timeout: 45
ip_banning: true
enable_whitelist: false
forward_ports: true
enable_query: false
query_port_shift: 0
query_use_IPv6: true
administrator_query_password: none
connections_delay_time: 5
enable_sync_command_binding: false
ratelimit_kick: true
same_account_joining: false
anticheat_console_output: false
enable_fast_round_restart: false
fast_round_restart_delay: 3.2
display_preauth_logs: true
rejection_suppression_threshold: 60
challenge_issuance_suppression_threshold: 50

#Auto Event settings
auto_warhead_start_minutes: 0
auto_warhead_lock: true
auto_warhead_broadcast_enabled: true
auto_warhead_broadcast_message: Sigma
auto_warhead_broadcast_time: 10
auto_warhead_detonate_broadcast: Automatic Alpha Warhead has been detonated.
auto_warhead_detonate_broadcast_time: 10
auto_decon_broadcast_enabled: false
auto_decon_broadcast_message: Light Containment Zone dead as hell
auto_decon_broadcast_time: 10

# Ticket misc settings
# The percentage of health an SCP must lose to trigger the 'scp_hurt' tickets.
respawn_tickets_mtf_scp_hurt_interval: default

## Stamina system settings ##

# The percentage of stamina used per second while sprinting.
# 0.05 = 5%, 0.33 = 33%, etc.
# NOTE: Stamina is currently only utilized on humans.
# 0 to disable, but this *will* cause weirdness with status effects
# and other mechanics, so we recommend keeping it on!
stamina_balance_use: 0.05

# The time (in seconds) that newly-spawned players can sprint
# without consuming stamina. Used to reduce visual artifacts.
# We recommend to put it at least 2 seconds
stamina_balance_immunity: 15

# The seconds that must pass before stamina starts regenerating after
#INVALID - the player stops sprinting.
# Lower values are more liekly to be exploited by players
# Higher higher can be annoying to players.
stamina_balance_regen_cd: 1

# How fast the stamina regenerates.
# This is a multiplier for the default setting,
# which is based on a curve - not a specific value.
stamina_balance_regen_speed: 5

#Random-stuff settings (-1: random)
server_forced_class: -1
map_seed: -1

#Misc gameplay settings
intercom_cooldown: 10
intercom_max_speech_time: 30
auto_round_restart_time: 5
friendly_fire: false
friendly_fire_multiplier: 0.4
warhead_tminus_start_duration: 90
lock_gates_on_countdown: true
isolate_zones_on_countdown: false
open_doors_on_countdown: true
keep_items_after_escaping: true
allow_playing_as_tutorial: true
disable_decontamination: false
096_destroy_locked_doors: true
no_holidays: false
allow_disarmed_interaction: false
914_mode: default
sinkhole_slow_amount: 75
sinkhole_spawn_chance: 0
disconnect_drop: true
end_round_on_one_player: false
cuffed_escapee_change_team: true
pd_exit_count: 2

#How many seconds someone is AFK sitting in their spawn location before they are kicked. Set to 0 or lower to disable. (Due to the 079 intro screen 079 has 13 extra seconds to be AFK.)
afk_time: 200
constantly_check_afk: false
afk_kick_message: AFK

#Spawn settings
minimum_MTF_time_to_spawn: 220
maximum_MTF_time_to_spawn: 230
maximum_MTF_respawn_amount: 17
maximum_CI_respawn_amount: 19
priority_mtf_respawn: true
use_crypto_rng: false
team_respawn_queue: default
late_join_time: 50