DripDrop Stop SCP:SL Rules | https://discord.gg/Hvwzk3vA4M
Rule 1| Exploiting
All cheating or illegal modifications to the game will result in punishment and a referral to Northwood Studios.
Rule 2 | Respectful To Others
You are to be respectful to everyone. No racial slurs or discrimination are allowed. Do not be disrespectful around sensitive subjects such as ethnicity, race, religion, or sex.
Rule 3 | Advertising
Includes server advertising. We do not allow advertising here of any kind without permission.
Rule 4 | NSFW
Discussing anything NSFW, especially towards minors, is strictly forbidden.
Rule 5 | Spamming/Word-walling
Do not mic-spam or earrape in announcements or over spectator chat. Limited mic-spam is allowed when alive.
Rule 6 | Common Sense
Use your brain. If you think something isn’t allowed don’t do it. Don’t be idiotic and try to find loopholes in the rules. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. If you know something is wrong don’t do it.
Rule 7 | Threatening Others
Sending death threats or threats of any kind is strictly prohibited. Sending them publicly or via steam messages will not be tolerated by staff or members.
Rule 8 | Drama/Arguments
Do not go around starting unnecessary drama/arguments within the the community. If drama or a argument was to break out staff members have full permission to warn, timeout, or mute both parties involved. Don’t involve yourself in drama or arguments doing so could get you warned.