US East | The Treasury

-- RULES --
Rule #1 - No hateful language (stuff like slurs)
Rule #2 - No mic spamming or soundboards of any kind
Rule #3 - No team sabotage (suiciding, or doing anything that will cause your team to lose)
Rule #4 - KOS is allowed AS LONG AS the person you are killing is attempting to flee from detainment or is attacking in any way.
Rule #5 - No cheating / exploiting of any kind
Rule #6 - No stalling the round intentionally
Rule #7 - If you can manage to get 2 entire teams together to agree you can team, but only as human personnel. No teaming with SCP.
Rule #8 - No scamming or advertising.
Rule #9 - No abusing the in game report system.

If you have any questions you may ask a moderator. Have fun!