

Plugins -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Server has votekick plugin (slightly modified version of Antoniofo's votekick plugin)
- If you want to start a votekick someone do the following
- Find their id by using ".vk list" and finding the number next to their name
- Type ".vk start [the id of the player]"
- While a votekick is in progress type ".vk vote" to vote yes to kick the person
- Doing nothing is the same as voting no

Rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Don't camp
- Don't be discriminatory or hateful and don't harass people
- Don't kill detained D-boys/scientists (unless they're disobedient)
- SCPs and MTF can't team
- Chaos Insurgents and SCPs can team
- D-boys/scientists can make temporary deals/truces with SCPs so long as it benefits both parties
- Don't spawn camp
- If you get turned into a zombie don't kill yourself because you don't want to be a zombie
- Don't be a dingus
- Don't cheat/exploit
- Don't mic-spam in spectator chat or over the radio (Intercom/proximity chat is fine)

Reporting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- File player reports through our discord server