<smallcaps>All The Time Gaming SCP</smallcaps>
[<a href="discord.gg/ATTG">discord.gg/ATTG</a>]
[<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w49-33pX0x-ziw8spRufxOQGl4CklNVQ4abh67I4YbI/edit?usp=sharing">Server Rules Link</a>
- You may make deals for your life long as they are short term (non-CD teaming is otherwise not allowed)
- Racial or Homophobic slurs = 3 day ban.
- Intentional griefing can result in a ban.
- Micspam = mute.
- Do not camp nuke unless preventing deactivation as an SCP.
- Do not hide for extended periods of time to hold up the round.
- NO KOS unless they disobey/runaway/shoot you or after the first respawn wave.
- Elevator or spawn camping is not allowed.
[Q] How can i join the whitelist server?
[A] Join our discord and link your steam account with discord
[Q] Can we kill Class-D/Scientists on sight?
[A] No. unless they disobey you or after the first respawn wave
[Q] Can I make deals with SCPs for my life or is that teaming?
[A] SCPs may make deals for your life (E.G. to open a door for them) as long as you part way quickly and immediately after.</b></u>
[Q] What is considered micspam??
[A] Music/Loud noises or excessive soundboards on Intercom, NTF Radio, SCP chat or Spectator chat
[Q] What plugins/changes does this server have?
[A] scroll down for a full list after the FAQ
[Q] Can I report rule breakers myself?
[A] Yes, click on the ! icon in the N key menu, type a reason then click report for rule breaking.
[Q] I've been muted for more than a day, how do I get unmuted?
[A] Drop into our discord and ask to be unmuted, most likely a staff member will be happy to do so.
[Q] What do you consider "Intentional greifing"
[A] Closing doors on fellow NTF/Chaos without reason, Preventing use of 914, killing SCPs as 079 (closing doors on team mates in order to escape an SCP is acceptable and not punished)
[Q] If i get a SCP or SCP-049-2 can I kill my self
[A] Suicide or leaving the server to avoid playing an undesired class is against the rules. if you spawn as a SCP you can swap with .swap (scp number)
[Plugins and server settings]</pos>
SCP Swap
Deadman Switch Remover
Remote Keycard
Respawn Timer
Increased ammo for MTF/CI
Auto Warhead time changed to 20 minutes
914 will kill you on Rough
SCP-939 and SCP-049 can use voice chat
Keep effects on escape
Report Admin abuse in the admin abuse channel in our discord or directly DM an Ethics committee member here:
- AllTheTimeGaming
- Michealwave
- Handomando
- TheGloriousCrusader