femboyidiot here,
this server sucks please dont judge lol
i have no clue how plugins work gang 🙏
anyways, fun rules
1. dont be a jerk to people
1b. KOS IS ALLOWED unless your in light containment (and/or the 1st spawn wave HASN'T happened)
2. no racists, or homophobes, or any other bad people
3. no cheating
4. no talking about bad things like sex and all that really bad and evil stuff guys
5. follow scp:sl tos and all that shit
if you haven't noticed, this server is mostly chill
tryharding is frowned upon
just be chill guys
no need to be jerks
on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are admin fun nights, where admins/moderators/if you have access to admin, you can do pretty much anything you want, with no repercussions.
or if the owner (femboyidiot) feels like it
and most importantly...
have fun :3
ps. join the discord if you want :3