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Welcome to The Emporium, Here are our links!

- Discord - <color=#7289da><alpha=#00><- click me

- Patreon - <color=#7289da><alpha=#00><- click me

|: Plugin List: :|

We have many plugins here, However here our some of our highlights!

[Double939]: A Simple, Custom Made plugin that allows 2 939s to spawn in the same game!
[MapEditorReborn]: The main highlight of our server! Map editor reborn allows us to add custom maps to the server, This can include Moddified surface zones and entire new rooms added to the game!
[XPSystem]: Our Custom made XP system adds a entirely new Progression system to the game, Most things that you do in game can lead you to gain a decent amount of XP!
[Teslas]: Our Tesla plugin is a simple, Custom made plugin which disables Teslas if a player has a keycard in their inventory, Allowing them to walk through with no harm!
[HatModels]: The HatModels plugin is a Custom Made plugin which allows MER builds to act as hats that float above your head!
[VendingMachines]: The VendingMachines plugin is a Custom Made plugin that works alongside MER, This allows user to walk up to a custom modeled vending machine and interact with it using coins in exchange for a random item!
We have many other plugins however these can be found in the discord!

|: Rules: :|

[Rule 1]: Make sure to follow both Northwood and Steam's Terms Of Service (TOS).

An example is the requirement of being 13+ years old to have an account on steam or even play the game.

[Rule 2]: No discrimination, racism or anything of that sort.

Racism or discrimination and anything that falls under this category is prohibited.
Usage of (racial) slurs will grant you an immediate punishment.

[Rule 3]: Encouraging acts like cheating, doxing, breaking rules, etc..

Encouraging someone else to break rules or even beyond that is completely prohibited and will get the both of you in trouble.
Example: "Hey you should totally say the N-Word, it'd be so cool".

[Rule 4]: Usage of a soundboard/micspamming outside of proximity chat.

Playing a soundboard into the intercom, radio or spectator chat should not be done, and can get you warned if done multiple times.

[Rule 5]: No KOS (Kill On Sight) in Entrance Zone or Surface.

You may not KOS any D Class or Scientist that are located in Entrance Zone or on Surface..
Only exception is if they have a gun equipped and actually shoot MTF/Chaos.

[Rule 6]: No Hacking/Cheating or anything that falls under this category.

The usage of hack clients or cheats is strongly prohibited and will get you banned.
NW Global Moderators will also get contacted.

[Rule 7]: Do not evade Punishments.

Example trying to keep playing on the server with an alt account.

[Rule 7]: Do not Team.

Chaos may team with SCPs and the other way around.
Otherwise it's a no.