Tempest Network


Server Location

Server is located in Dallas Texas

Click on the name to open the discord


Teaming with Chaos or SCPs as a Guard or NTF,
Exception: Beneficial to both teams.
Penalty: Death, kick or up to 7 day ban.

No killing cuffed civilians.
Exception: You playing as a SCP.
Penalties: In-game death, kick, or up to 3 day ban.
Reward (to victim): Respawn as opposing team's civilian.

Disturbing sounds in global chat, scp chat and radios.
Penalties: Intercom mute, mute or forced radio removal.

Any kind of heavy slurs.
Penalty: Mute or up to 7 day ban.

Blatant racism, homophobia, sexism, and intended advertisements.
Penalty: Mute.

Avoiding the objective as the last person or single group within role,
Exception: Certain death if attempted to compete the objective.
Penalty: Death or in-game location reveal.

Under 13 or legal age to use Steam.
Penalty: 7 to 13 year ban until appeal.

NSFW with decals or audio.
Penalty: Closed 1 month ban or 1 to 12 month ban.

Impersonation of Northwood and SCP:SL employees,
Exception: Apparent parody.
Penalty: Ban until appeal.

Actual United States federal law or SCP:SL EULA violation. (illegal clients, DDoS, distributing NW data, and bot players)
Penalty: Reported to NW and 50 year closed ban.

1. Note: All ban or mute actions take on you must be done so with valid proof and some or all proof must be presented upon request.
2. Note: Ban time may stack to your next bans or a custom time may be used with permission from a head admin or superior staff member.
3. Note: All bans must include a copy-paste of how to appeal.

Report All Suspicious Activity In The Discord Above
