All The Time Gaming Servers
Feel free to join our Discord and connect with other players in our community!
This Server is hosted by All The Time Gaming. We currently have Five Servers.
Server Rules
1. Cheating and exploiting
[1] are strictly prohibited.
2. Phishing, scamming, and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
3. Racism, discrimination, and other offensive content is strictly prohibited.
4. Harassment, toxicity, and baseless, out-of-game accusations against other players are strictly prohibited.
5. Staff or player impersonation is strictly prohibited.
6. Mic spamming
[2] is prohibited. Music is allowed, but must be stopped upon request.
7. Advertisements, including server advertisements and streaming channel advertisements, must be kept to a minimum.
8. Teaming and camping
[3] are tolerated if they do not lead to round delays.
9. False reporting and abuse of the in-game reporting function is prohibited.
10. Announcing moderators who have hidden tags is prohibited. Interfering with a moderator’s job is also prohibited.
11. Encouraging others to violate server rules is prohibited.
12. Team sabotage
[4] is not allowed.
13. Repeatedly leaving/suiciding to avoid an SCP, or spawning as a role you do not want to be is prohibited.
14. No Class-D KoS
[1] Using in-game exploit spots, which are normally unreachable, is prohibited. Spots that can be reached by jumping on intentional props/railings are allowed.
[2] Music/Loud noises or excessive soundboards on Intercom, NTF Radio, SCP chat or Spectator.
[3] Teaming that directly, or intentionally, leads to the death of teammates is prohibited. Staying in a room prolongedly is considered camping. Walking around in the same zone and staying in a corridor/tunnel are not considered camping.</align>
[4] For Human Classes - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:
[1] Turning Off Generators.</indent>
[2] Killing obedient cuffed player.</indent>
[3] Uncuffing and Recuffing players just to kill them.</indent>
[4] Uncuffing players right before their escape.</indent>
SCPs - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:
[1] Closing/locking doors on teammates.</indent>
[2] Intentionally letting the Nuke go off when it would cause SCPs to lose the round.</indent>
Scientists/Class-D - Examples of Teaming/Team sabotage include:
[1] Cuff Trading (the act of uncuffing someone you have previously cuffed, and providing them with a weapon so that they may cuff you — enabling you to play on the opposite team),
is permitted. </indent>
[1]Players should note that Cuff Trading will put them at risk of breaking our rules regarding Teaming
[3]. When, and if, this is the case, this will be left entirely up to the Moderator's discretion. </indent>
[2]Opposing players are free to kill people who are caught attempting to carry out these 'deals'.</indent>
[5] No MTF/Guard Class-D KoS unless they disobey orders, attempt to flee, shoot at you or others, or after the first respawn wave of any team.
If you want to join the whitelist server, join our Discord and link your Steam account with Discord.
Whitelist Server Information
Please join our Discord
( to contact our staff directly for reporting incidents. For Ban appeals, also join the server, and read
here for our ban appeal channel for who to contact and what to send.
SCP Swap
Deadman Switch Remover
Remote Keycard
Respawn Timer
Increased Ammo for MTF/CI
Auto Warhead Time Changed to 20 Minutes
914 Will Kill You on Rough
SCP-939 and SCP-049 Can Use Voice Chat
Keep Effects on Escape
All Detained Players Change Teams When Escaping
Some SCPs Have HP on Kill
Some SCPs Have More HP
Last updated: 1st Mar 2025