Doctor's Hell
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Server Rules

1. No toxic behavior. This includes being excessively rude, harassing other players, using offensive language, or making others feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.

2. Please do not discuss sensitive topics.

3. Micspam, including music, is only allowed in proximity chat.
Short sound clips may be used elsewhere if not loud or annoying. Playing loud or annoying sounds or spamming them will result in a server mute.
Do not get upset if a player chooses to mute you. You may appeal server mutes on Discord.

4. Facility Guards must give Class-D personnel at least a few seconds to surrender before opening fire, as being massacred at the start of a round is no fun.
Scientists can shoot Class-D at the start of a round.
This does not apply after a respawn wave has occurred.

5. Do not kill handcuffed players unless you have handcuffed them yourself or they are being uncooperative. You also may not handcuff players with the intent of killing them.
This applies even if killing on sight is allowed at that point in time.

6. Do not attempt to sabotage your team. This includes uncuffing detainees before they escape, suiciding as 049-2 to avoid playing, deliberately trying to get your teammates killed, or crossteaming in a way that hurts the rest of your team.

7. Do not intentionally prolong rounds. If you are stuck, staff members may free you.

8. If you are found to be cheating or exploiting, you will be permanently banned and reported to Northwood with no chance of appealing.

If a staff member has abused their power, you are encouraged to report them to a server manager.

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