Hello Site-73! We have some rules for you to read!

Click this link to join the discord! https://discord.gg/buQGXhWyrq

<color=blue> Rules!
1. Be respectful to others, like the saying goes "Treat others the way you wish to be treated."
2. Nothing NSFW is allowed in the server.
3. Do not threaten anyone in any way shape or form.
4. No slurs or slur-bating.
5. No trolling during RP's

<color=red> RP RULES!
<color=white>These are rules mainly for RP.
1. Follow orders from your higher ups.
2. Do not pick up ANY SCP's unless its for testing and the hoster says you can.
3. hosters word is final. If they say you can't do this or that, you cant do it.
4. Act like a normal human being
5. <color=red> FOLLOR FEAR RP.