
01. [LISTEN TO MODS] Moderators are in the server to make your gaming experience better. If you don't listen to them punishment will be twice as severe.
02. [NO HACKING] Hacking the server will result in an instant, unappealable ban from all SCP:SL servers including ours.
03. [NO DISRESPECT] No disrespecting other players on the server. Swears, racial slurs, and homophobic slurs are allowed. Saying a slur is not bannable; calling someone a slur is bannable.
04. [NO BULLYING] Do not gang up on other players, target players to be killed by a group, or make fun of kids or women for their voices.
05. [NO EAR RAPE] Ear rape is an instant ban. Micspamming is allowed if it isn't high-pitched. Playing music and voicechangers are examples of micspam that are allowed.
06. [NO TEAMKILLING] Mass teamkilling or throwing grenades in elevators with no enemies is grounds for an instant ban. Single teamkills will be given warnings.
07. [NO SCP SUICIDE] Intentionally killing yourself as an SCP will result in punishment.
08. [NO GRIEFING] NTF cannot grief Scientists from escaping. Chaos Insurgency cannot grief D-Class from escaping. This includes closing doors and allowing SCPs/enemies to get to them. SCP-079 also cannot teamkill SCPs.
09. [TEAMING] Anyone can team with anyone else, even if it delays the round.
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