Staff Contact: [email protected]
Discord Link: Discord
Open from 12AM - 12pM EDT (UTC-4)


– Respect our Administrators and Members. When a Game Server Administrator speaks/types, LISTEN!!!
– No racial slurs, slang, comments, and name-calling
– Respect all players and yes even Dylan (even though he knows what he did)
– No Hacking
– No Glitching
– No Advertising
– No excessive whining
- do no microphone spam
- Camping in any area for an extended period of time is not allowed.

– If having a problem or conflict with any CMS Member/moderator/Admin please feel free to contact the CMS through our Discord or email

– If a player gets banned from a server, no explanation needs to be provided to that individual by the Server Admin unless the Admin chooses to do so. If ordered by a higher up an explanation will try to be given.