The Stove Fire

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<align="center"><size=12><link=">We host frequent events and tournaments at <b>
! Our discord is a great place to chat &
send memes with fellow community members, as well as staying updated on the most recent Aftermath
announcements and updates.

Running a Secret Lab server is not free, and therefore we are extremely grateful for any donations we receive.
Consider supporting our project for exclusive supporter perks; you can donate at We include perks such as custom ingame badges, rainbow tags, event
hosting, exclusive content, custom discord role, and much more.

Toast's Youtube Toast's Discord</color>

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Server Rules

<align="left">1.Keep all conversations in English for the purpose of inclusivity.
2.Be respectful to others. Harassment will be severely punished. This includes harassing/targeting content creators.
3.No hateful, racial, homophobic language, regardless of race. Songs that promote such language are not allowed. NSFW is treated the same way.
4.Do not impersonate Server Staff, Northwood Staff or Content Creators.
5.Avoid microphone spamming. Soundboards are only allowed in proximity chat. Copyrighted music is prohibited when Toast is streaming on the server.
6.Do not form alliances with hostile teams.
7.Do not intentionally sabotage your teammates. This includes actions such as deliberately closing doors on them.
8.Do not prolong the round unnecessarily or camp.
9.Do not exploit glitches to gain an advantage or disrupt the server.
10.Advertising of any kind is prohibited. (TTVs are an exception)
11.Killing cuffed personnel is not allowed.
12.Do not report players who have not broken any rules.