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General SCP
Server Rules:
Respect Other Players: No harassment, bullying, or offensive language.
No Cheating: Using hacks, exploits, or third-party programs to gain an unfair advantage is prohibited.
No Mic/Chat Spam: Avoid spamming voice or text chat.
Follow Admin Instructions: Admins have the final say in disputes and rule enforcement.
No Team Killing: Intentionally killing teammates is generally not allowed.

KOS (Kill on Sight) Rules:
No Random KOS: Players should not kill others on sight without a valid reason.
KOS: No killing cuffed personnel's
Class-D vs. Guards: Guards cannot KOS uncuffed ClassD unless they surrender, but if they refuse to surrender they can be KOSed and no bypassing,
Mobile Task Force vs. ClassD: MTF can kill ClassD if they refuse to surrender to MTF. But if a personnel is cuffed with another personnel they cannot be killed.
CI vs. Guards/NTF: Chaos Insurgency can kill Security Guards and NTF without warning.
SCPs vs. CI: Chaos Insurgency can team up with SCP's if they want to.