<align="center"><color=#6fff00>Discord Server (clickable)


<color=#b3f542>Lucky Coins
<color=#ffffff>Adds a Risk-Reward system to the in-game coin, resulting in a random effect every time its flipped.

<color=#b3f542>Remote Keycard
<color=#ffffff>Makes it so you can open doors without having to hold out your keycard.

<color=#b3f542>Spectator List
<color=#ffffff>Displays all players currently spectating you on the corner of your screen.

<align="justified"><color=#d01313ff>SERVER RULES

<color=#6fff00>1. 13 YEARS OLD MINIMUM
<color=#ffffff>Due to VSR regulations and Steam ToS, you must be at least 13 years of age to play on this server (or to have steam)

<color=#6fff00>2. NO HARASSEMENT
<color=#ffffff>Don't start arguments, don't repeatedly annoy someone if they tell you to stop, Don't talk about sensitive topics.

<color=#6fff00>3. NO SLURS
<color=#ffffff>Slurs such as the N-Word and F-Slur are strictly prohibited and bannable for a minimum of 3 days.

<color=#6fff00>4. MICSPAMMING
<color=#ffffff>Micspamming is completely fine as long as its not annoying others. No micspamming in the spectator menu or waiting room. Songs cant have any slurs either.

<color=#6fff00>5. KOS RULES
<color=#ffffff>KOS is completely fine as long as they aren't cuffed. Only applies to D-Class and Scientists.

<color=#6fff00>6. NO ROUND STALLING
<color=#ffffff>Don't hide in a room to avoid confrontation. Don't make the round longer than it has to be.