[•] Do not use, or chant racial slurs.
[»] Any racial slurs will be moderated. First offense will be a mute, and the second offense will be banned from the server for three days. Anything beyond the third offense will result in a permanent ban.

[•] You are allowed to team.
[»] You are allowed to team unless the teaming delays the round.

[•] Do not mic-spam.
[»] Music is allowed in the intercom, but at a moderate volume. Any and all sound effects or music will not be allowed in the spectator chat. First offense will be a mute, second offense will be a one day ban. Anything beyond the third offense will result in a permanent ban.

[•] Do not exploit.
[»] If you are caught exploiting, you will be permanently banned no matter what the circumstances are.

[•] Do not glitch.
[»] Do not glitch. If you are caught glitching the first offense will be a warn, the second offense will be a ban for three days. Anything beyond the second offense will be a permanent ban.

[•] All of the links below are clickable!
[•] Our discord link is: <color=#9e0000>https://discord.com/invite/nBYwEquQXV

[•] Our latest update page link is: https://pastebin.com/b3zFq97Z
[•] Our SCP-914 Recipe List Link Is: https://pastebin.com/Eypxwfnb</color>

[•] NTF care package spawns at the 10 minute mark, CI care package spawns at the 20 minute mark!
[•] You have a 15% chance of getting a gun or ammo from a coin on Very Fine Mode from SCP-914!
[•] You have a 15% chance of getting a random SCP item from a coin on Fine Mode from SCP-914!
[•] You can gain effects from SCP-914 on Coarse, Fine, and Very Fine modes from SCP-914!
[•] Old SCP-096, after scopophobia update, and before parabellum is integrated on this server!
[•] You can teleport to a random place from Coarse mode from SCP-914!
[•] You can open doors without a keycard in your hand!
[•] You can SCPSwap on 1:1 Mode from SCP-914!
[•] You can hold up to 300 ammunition!
[•] You can hold up to eight grenades!
[•] You can hold up to eight keycards!
[•] You can hold up to eight firearms!
[•] SCP-173 explodes on death!