<size=30>Worldwide | community Server Info
Welcome to THE world wide scp server!,
we are a fun community and we aim to have laughs and much fun in our sessions!
JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2cDzquqQCu
1 · Don't tell information while in spectator.
Do NOT dm or tell people information about other players while you are in spectator mode,this also includes screensharing.
(if a player is communicating through SCP-7576 u are allowed to tell everything, camping is allowed if you are not slowing the game down.)
2 · Don't purposefully kill yourself.
Do NOT purposefully kill yourself when you are playing as something ur not happy with or uve had a bad play so far,This ruins the game for others.
3 · Don't camp to slow the game down.
Example: as scp waiting behind a door you cant open but people are in the room and they clearly heard you, this makes it so other players are unable to continue playing the game.
(scp-939 is a stealth based SCP therefore it is allowed to camp but not for a long duration of time: 1 to 2 mins.)
4 · No KOS "Kill On Sight"
(This counts for everyone EXCEPT scp AND CHAOS VS MTF, CUFFING AND KILLING FOR NO REASON IS KOS.) If you see someone from the other class, don't immediately kill them.
5 · No Slurs or Toxicity
Don't make fun of other players, don't be rude against them, make sure thw game is fun for everyone. (However u can say stuff like this in a more playfull way, like you do with friends, but be careful.)
6 · TeamKilling
You are NOT allowed to kill a member of your team.
(this counts for ghostlights and everything else that can kill your teammate that is YOUR fault.)
7 · No exploiting
You are NOT allowed to use hacks cheats or exploits of any kind in our server.
(doing this will get you banned.)
Last updated: 03-01-2024
· Rule "no KOS (Kill on sight)" (killing innocent cuffed dclass is now KOS.)
· Rule "no Locking SCPs " Removed