Peanut's Playground

Our Discord (Click me!)

SCP:SL Rules

1. Do not mic spam.
1a. You can mic spam in proximity chat and on the intercom.
1b. Any earrape on the intercom is prohibited.

2. Do not ghost.

3. No cheating/hacking.

4. Northwood Managers are allowed to abuse the Remote Admin given to them.

5. Staff members have the final say. Arguing with staff will lead to a removal from the server.

6. Do not suicide as an SCP. (We have SCPSwap)

7. Do not be overly toxic or you will be removed from the server.

8. Do not harass others, or discriminate against anyone.
8a. Basically just don't be racist, homophobic, etc.


10. Teaming is allowed but do not hold up the round.

11. This is a laid back server. Rules 1 and 6 are not enforced as heavily as other servers, but don't be annoying.

12. Do not stream snipe streamers or be overly annoying to them just for attention.

This is a HEAVYILY modded server.
Putting a supressor on a USP makes it a tranq gun.
Tesla gates do not turn on for Facility Guards and MTF.
You can gamble in SCP 173 containment room.
SCP-035 has a chance of spawning.