Welcome to the mostly fun but fun EU-CENTRAL WohnzimmerGames

We write fun with a capital F
We don't have rules, but instead: THE THREE PILLARS FOR A LOUNGER
(an original bureaucracy idea)

# Ⅰ. Fun Over Competence
- A fun game is more valuable than a competitive, strategic or sweated one. A fun game is also defined by everybody and NOT by you alone. You play with the people and the people play with you. Your actions are okay-ish as long as nobody sees a problem with it. You won't ruin another person's time.

# Ⅱ. People Treat People Humanely
- You treat people humanely. You don't harass, discriminate or be a jerk to other players. Your humour won't really match with other ones, but that doesn't give you any rights to treat them bad or less good. Sarcasm is a wonderful tool that can also be too powerful at some moments.

# Ⅲ. Deviation Over Substance
- Pretty fancy words, meaning: Everybody has a right to express themselves as they feel and are not obliged to your standing or mindset. (that's a pretty well-written statement: to not interfere with a person's life, expect if they play Roblox - pls help them as soon as possible).

All good and all, now join our bloody Discord Server, you funny little-
~ love,
WG Team