Discord Link- https://discord.gg/AnfE2BK

Discord Rules
1. No Advertising
2. No Racism or Being Toxic
3. Keep Drama In DMS
4. Keep IRL Stuff in #irl
5. Use Channels for their own Purpose (EX: Use Suggestions only for Suggestions)
6. Staff Final Say is Final
7. Respect Everyone and Staff Members
8. Do not Mass Mention
9. Do not Spam
10. Do not Post any NSFW Content
11. Do Not Post any Gore Content
12. Don't Beg

SCP SL Rules
1. Do not TK [Revenge TK/RP TK Is fine. Just Make Sure Everyone is Fine with the TK with rp]
2. Do Not Delay Events Intentionally
3. Do not Be Disrespectful
4. You Can Micspam but Make Sure its actual Music
- If your Asked to Stop MicSpamming Stop
- If your Micspam Has Anything Against our Rules you will be muted
5. All Normal Rules from Discord apply to the ingame Server
6. Use Common Sense
7. Do not Pretend to be someone else