[EU-WEST] Frikandelbroodje Community <color=#3640ff>[NL/ENG]
Server Rules</color>
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1. Communicate
To play on this server, you are required to:
1. Have a working mic; and
2. Speak only Dutch or English.
2. Username/Voice Chat rules
We do not allow racist/discriminatory language, NSFW content, or the use of the word cancer/kanker. Micspamming/earraping is also not allowed.
Do not promote/advertise any other servers/services, ask for permission if you want to advertise your content/stream.
3. Soundboards/Voice changers
Soundboards and voice changers are allowed for reasonable use in a way that keeps it fun for everyone on the server:
1. Only use them in proximity VC and not in global VC (before/after a match, radios, spectator-/SCP chat);
2. You are only allowed to play music when it’s situational (do not run around as a DJ) or on the Intercom/SCP-079's speakers;
3. Do not use voice changers as SCP-079.
Stop using soundboards/voice changers if asked to by another player, make sure that you are able to turn off your soundboards/voice changers when asked to.
4. Teams and Teaming
SCP:SL is a team game, for this reason we have a few rules regarding teaming.
To ensure that these rules are understood clearly, here is a list of our teams:
• The Foundation: Scientists, Facility Guards and the MTF;
• The Opposition: D-Class and the Chaos Insurgency;
• SCPs.
• The Opposition is allowed to team with SCPs;
• D-Class & Scientists are allowed to team up to reach a common goal (e.g. to survive);
• D-Class are not required to work together in Light Containment Zone (LCZ) and Pocket Dimension (PD). They may kill other D-Class in those zones, even if detained.
5. Team damage, sabotaging & trolling
You’re supposed to work together as a team, so don’t hurt or kill your teammates.
Do not sabotage/troll your teammates by for instance: Closing the elevator too soon, closing doors on teammates or messing with SCP-914. Do not snitch your teammates to enemies or open doors to get them killed.
6. Do not kill disarmed players without a valid reason
Disarmed players should not be killed as long as they are following orders from the team that has captured them. They may be killed if they ignore orders or try to escape from/betray their disarmer.
Try to keep disarmed players disarmed if their original disarmer dies.
7. Ghosting & info sharing
Communicating match info with other in-game players through methods outside of the game (e.g. Discord calls/Steam messages) is not allowed.
8. Camping
Do not excessively camp, as this may ruin the match for others. Staff may intervene in camping situations by broadcasting instructions, breaking/opening doors or teleporting players. The Escape tunnel should not be camped at all.
9. Toxicity, negative behaviour and impersonation
Toxicity against our community or its members is not allowed, treat each other with respect. Do not help rulebreakers or encourage/bait people into violating our rules.
Do not impersonate others (i.e. through usernames/soundboards) without their permission. Impersonating staff positions or asking for roles is also not allowed.
10. Staff orders and hindering moderation
Staff members are authorised to give reasonable orders to keep the peace in our servers, violation of these orders can result in punishment. Please do not disrupt the handling of ongoing reports.
11. Abusing glitches or exploits
The abuse of glitches/exploits in our server or services will be punished accordingly, please report bugs in our Discord Server. An example of an exploit is standing on spots that are not intended to be reached.
Loopholes, circumventing bans and EULA
Seeking to violate our rules through loopholes will still result in punishment, attempting to circumvent bans results in a longer ban. Violations of the SCP:SL EULA are not allowed and will be reported to Northwood Studios.
Reporting users
Our in-game report system is only meant for reports of rule violations or cheaters. Questions should be asked in our Discord’s #scpsl-general channel, bugs can be reported in #bug-reports.