Friedcraft Facility at


1. Don't be toxic (extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful behavior). Toxicity has been a problem on our server and will be handled as such.
2. Staff and Justin have the final say. Although they may make a request outside of these rules, these requests are more than likely valid.
3. NO Micspam over intercom or in spectator chat. A little is fine, but don't over do it.
4. NO begging for classes from anybody, staff or not. They will consider it but they are definitely not obligated and will absolutely not do it if you are being obnoxious about it.
5. NO working against your team. This includes killing allies AND/OR NO KILLING DETAINED.
6. NO SLURS. This includes any "symbol replacements" or "letter replacements".
7. NO NSFW, including images in Imagemap, discord images, or extreme/excessive descriptions of sexual items/actions in chat/discord.
8. DON'T PROMOTE. The ONLY exceptions are streams, videos, and other media about FCSN servers and events.
9. EXCESSIVE ABUSE OF SERVER/GAME/OTHER MECHANICS/BUGS/GLITCHES ARE NOT ALLOWED. This includes faults of our own, such as a misconfigured config file. You're SUPPOSED to report it to Justin, so he can work on it.
10. Please try to keep everything positive. We understand that bad days may occur, but please don't use Discord/SCP:SL as a request for counseling, please seek professional help.

Thank you for playing on our server!