Welcome to Renti's Pocket Dimension. Please read the list of rules below before playing.

Enjoy!! :D

Contact Email: [email protected]

Rule 1: Hacking will result in an immediate permanent ban with a game ban issued by official SCP:SL staff to follow.

Rule 2: Harassment, toxic behavior, and hate speech towards other players is strictly prohibited. Racism and phobic slurs will result in an immediate three (3) day ban. This applies regardless of the player’s ethnicity and personal background.

Rule 3: Cross-teaming is only allowed across classes with mutual win conditions. If the round can not end with both parties alive, then it is not allowed for said parties to team.

Rule 4: Camping in any area for an extended period of time is prohibited.

Rule 5: Server disruptions, such as microphone abuse, is not prohibited to an extent. While we actively discourage such behavior, players will only be reprimanded if their disruptions become extreme in nature.

Rule 6: Terminating D-Class on sight is not allowed. The only exception to this rule is any one of the following being true:
- The D-Class is resisting being disarmed multiple times
- The D-Class disobeys your command
- The D-class is being escorted by SCPs (not being chased by)
- The D-Class has a firearm equipped. All D-Class in the area can be terminated in this event.
- Chaos Insurgency has entered the facility

Rule 7: Attempted reprimand evasion will result in a temporary and extended ban.