Welcome to the Site-654 Roleplay Server!

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You are expected to follow all the rules of a regular SCP Secret Lab Server. However, this server also has rules expected during roleplay.

1. This is an English Server, so please speak English.
2. You must practice FearRP. For those unfamiliar with the term, it simply means you are expected to treat your character's life as valuable as your own. Do not place yourself in a dangerous situation if you can avoid it.
3. Orders from Site Command are to be followed without question, deviants will be reprimanded.
4. Class-D personnel are expected to use PTS (Permission To Speak), Any Class-D who speak without permission will be warned, further violations may result in termination.
5. Facility Guards are expected to be quiet during most procedures, you may speak amongst yourselves in private, but when Researchers are conducting tests and Orienting the Class-D, do not disturb them.
6. Every RP will have one researcher appointed as the Head Researcher, they have authority over the other Researchers, and answer to Site Command only. Other researchers are expected to follow the Head Researcher's lead.
7. MTF are deployed only in the event of a Major Breach. Request deployment from the Site Command in the event of an emergency only.
8. Depending on the amount of players, several people will be selected as an SCP, there will always be at least one.
9. SCP are expected to act as described in the files. SCP-049 and SCP-106 are the only SCP that may use proximity chat to speak to humans. 049 is required to speak, but 106 is not.
10. The Alpha Warhead may not be detonated without express permission by Site Command.
11. Escaped SCP are not permitted to be shot or killed unless given the Green Light by Site Command.
12. MTF and Facility Guards can evacuate staff from the facility by detaining the staff if necessary and reaching the surface and requesting a helicopter lift.
13. Chaos Insurgents can evacuate staff by detaining them if necessary and reaching the road and requesting a car.
14. Finally, the site has different lockdown response codes for specific lockdown procedures. See the list below.

Lockdown Response Codes:
Code Blue: Sentient SCP has breached.

Code Green: Biohazard is present on site.

Code Red: Multiple SCP have breached.

Code Black: SCP has breached and cannot be re-contained.

Code White: Hostile Force has invaded the facility.

Code Blank: Site is beyond recovery. Alpha Warhead will be automatically detonated.

Code Orange: Class-D Personnel have gone missing. Terminate on sight.