^ Clickable btw ^

No targeted or mass teamkilling.

- A little teamkilling here and there is fine, don't overdue it or be unfunny about it. If and staff see you TK over and over for no apparent reason, we will question and warn you.

Do not harass or discriminate against others.

- Don't be an ass hat. This includes racism, homophobia, or anything of the sort.

No mic-spamming in global chats.

- Mic-spamming includes loud or long music, as well as annoying noises. If the large majority of people are okay with it, then continue as you wish.

Do not hold up rounds.

- If you are stuck in a room and there are no admins on to let you out (assuming you are a human) then leave the game and rejoin. Do not purposefully stay in a spot where people cannot get you as it damages the experience of others.

Do not kill detained D class and Scientists.

- When they are detained and obeying commands, do not kill them. The only time you are allowed to kill them is if they are very clearly disobeying commands.

- Teaming is allowed as long as it doesn't hold up the round and doesn't result in the death of your teammates.