Lars' Laboratory

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<align="center"><size=12><link=">We host frequent events and tournaments at <b>
! Our discord is a great place to chat &
send memes with fellow community members, as well as staying updated on the most recent Aftermath
announcements and updates.

Running a Secret Lab server is not free, and therefore we are extremely grateful for any donations we receive.
Consider supporting our project for exclusive supporter perks; you can donate at We include perks such as custom ingame badges, rainbow tags, event
hosting, exclusive content, custom discord role, and much more.

Lars?' Youtube Lars' Lab Discord <b>Lars?' YT Discord</color>

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Server Rules

<size=12>1. All slurs are prohibited on this server This is to protect players from toxicity and bigotry. Punishments will be harsher than on most servers.

2. Harassment is a punishable offence. Conduct that falls under harassment is: repeated insulting of a certain player, following a player around just to kill them and other situations where players try to worsen a single player's experience on the server.

3. Impersonation of server staff, Northwood staff or content creators is disallowed.

4. KOS is allowed, however killing cuffed personnel is against our rules.

5. Micspam is not allowed on the server. Soundboards may not be used in global chats (SCP chat, Intercom, spectator chat, etc).

6. Discussion of doing and/or performing illegal activities or cheating will result in a immediate suspension.

7. Teaming is allowed on the server, providing it doesn't stall the round (e.g. an SCP and a human camping in warhead to stop the round from ending is not allowed).

8. Team sabotage is not allowed in SCPS's.

9. NSFW or inappropriate behaviour is not allowed on our server.

10. Foreign languages are not allowed on the server. Speak only English, except for brief instances.

11. Advertisements are not allowed, except for Twitch or YouTube links in player names.

12. False reporting will be reprimanded.