Jammys Junction
<a href="https://discord.gg/QawCQbPHRQ">Discord Server!</a>
(Discord Rules Apply!)
Server Rules:
1. Be respectful: Be nice and treat everyone with respect. (Joking and banter is allowed just make sure to stop when asked)
2. No Bullying / Trolling: No racism, homophobia, discrimination, etc.
3. Soundboards: Soundboards / Voicechangers are allowed in prox chats only. They are not allowed in SCP, radio, intercom or spec chat. If asked by a server member / staff to stop you must do so!
4. Keep it clean: Avoid controversial topics such as discussing religion, politics, or NSFW topics. No NSFW Soundboards either!
5. Respect privacy: No sharing of personal information in any chat. You will be perma banned if caught doing so.
6. Follow TOS: Follow steams and Secret Labs TOS.
7. Listen to staff: Members must follow staff instruction failure to do so will result in punishment.
8. No Inappropraite users: Usernames must be appropriate, no NSFW users.
9. No Loopholes: Abuse of loopholes will result in a ban.
10. English Only: Please keep chats in English as its the primary language of the server.
Game Rules and Info:
Human classes are not allowed to team with SCPs. Exceptions in mutually beneficial situations are allowed. Example if your trapped in a room together you can allow Scp's out in exchange for them not to kill you.
KOS for D-Class is allowed. No teaming with Chaos / SCP.
D Class:
Only goal is to escape. Can team with Chaos /MTF. No teaming with SCP's. Can kill scientists and MTF.
MTF / Guards:
KOSing D-Class is not allowed unless they have a weapon / are not following orders. Kill everyone whilst helping scientists / D-Class escape.
Kill everyone except D-Class who you help to escape.
Kill everyone, teaming only allowed in situations where your stuck and need a human to escape.